
Barcode Call Number Status Action
9781108339186 -

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography has been written specifically for Cambridge International syllabuses 0460 and 2217. Filled with sources, graphs and case studies, the coursebook requires students to examine a range of information, helping to build their analytical skills. Written by highly experienced authors and Cambridge trainers, this coursebook is updated to support both Cambridge IGCSE and O Level students. It includes clear and practical support, case studies from 25 different countries, fieldwork ideas and a range of interesting content. The accompanying CD-ROM contains support sheets for the topics covered, outline maps and sample exam-style questions. Answers to the activities are in the teacher's resource.

Published Date : 02/2025
Publisher : CamBridge University Press
Category : 900 History & Geography
Page : 304 Pages
245 - Title statement
020 - International standard book number
100 - Main entry--personal name
260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)
300 - Physical description
650 - Subject added entry--topical term

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