Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


Terms and conditions for using the service


SATIT KASET IP (Kasetsart University Laboratory School International Program) This Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") specifies the terms and conditions for using the website. https://elibrary.kusip.ac.th/ or application SATIT KASET IP (Kasetsart University Laboratory School International Program) or any other channels under the supervision and service of Office of the Broadcasting Commission television business and national telecommunications (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") to service users (hereinafter referred to as "you" or "service user")

Therefore, when you use the service through the application, website or any other service channels of the company, it is considered that you, as a user of the company's service, have studied, understood, consented and willingly agreed to comply with the terms and conditions in contract service including relevant regulations and laws

Article 1 Definitions

“Channels of SATIT KASET IP (Kasetsart University Laboratory School International Program)” or “https://elibrary.kusip.ac.th/” means the use of services through applications, websites or various channels. under the control or supervision of the Company

“Products” means books, magazines, whether presented in hard copy or in individual chapters, audiobooks, comics or literary content. or any images created, published or modified in digital or electronic form which appears on the channel of SATIT KASET IP (Kasetsart University Laboratory School International Program)

Article 2 Service of the Company

The Company provides services for selling, reading, viewing, listening to or using the Company's products through the Company's website or application. You can receive such services only through the channels of The Demonstration School of Kasetsart University, including through the website https://elibrary.kusip.ac.th/ or through the company's application that you can download from other service companies such as Apple or Google via your device. such as mobile phones, tablets (Tablet) or any other devices that will come up in the future that can access or use the application. (hereinafter referred to as the "Service")

You can receive the company's services by using your encouragement to use in exchange for various products and services. which the Company is able to provide or provide services Including various products and literature under the conditions set by the company. You will receive service. or by other means specified by the company

Article 3 Access to the Company's services and creation of a service account

3.1 Users who use the Company's services must apply for a service account with the Company by registering a Username and setting a Password, including providing various information. relating to themselves that are accurate, complete and truthful through registration on the website and/or application of the Company, including having to always update the account information to be accurate and up to date or in case of changes

3.2 Users are responsible for keeping their username and password confidential. and prevent others from unauthorized access or use of their account. The user agrees that after using the service of the company on various channels finished Users will exit the system (Log out) immediately in order to prevent theft or stealing passwords. If any damage occurs to you, your user account (Username) and/or password (Password), the service user agrees to be responsible for all damages by himself.

3.3 The security of your password as a service user must consist of at least 6 characters and must contain capital letters. Use lowercase letters, numbers and at least 1 special character in case your password is too simple or weak. Until causing the theft or theft of the password You agree to be responsible for any damage caused by yourself.

3.4 For registration to apply for a service account with that company. You must be at least 20 years of age or over, or be a sui juris person as required by law who can enter into legal contracts that bind you legally. In the event that you are under 20 years of age or not a person of legal age The company has the right to request evidence of consent for applying for a service account from a parent who has authority to act on your behalf. If the company has requested evidence of such consent Parents refused to give consent. or you are unable to provide proof of parental consent The company is obliged to refuse to accept membership or cancel your membership.

3.5 In the event that the company has found that any service user provides false information The company reserves the right to suspend or revoke the account. or suspend the use of your service immediately and is regarded as a cause of breach of contract You are responsible for all damages incurred from such actions. both civil and criminal

3.6 You agree not to authorize or involve or allow any other person who is not the owner of the service account. Use your account or another person's account. whether in whole or in part If the Company detects such incident or finds that the use of such account is inconsistent with this contract or any terms and conditions of the Company, the Company has the right to revoke or suspend the use of your account and all related users of such service. Including the termination of the contract without having to return money or encouragement

3.7 If it is found that someone else accesses your account without permission from the Company. You are obligated to notify the Company immediately, provided that the Company has exercised reasonable expertise and care. The company reserves the right not to be responsible for any damages. Including damage caused by the service user's account or password.

Article 4 Terms of Use

4.1 You agree to use this service for personal benefits only. not for business or commercial benefits, whether directly or indirectly unless otherwise agreed with the Company

4.2 You agree that To access services and products under the control and supervision of the Company. must be done through the channels and methods provided by the Company only

4.3 You agree not to take any action. which violates the Company or causes damage to the Company for any reason, such as copying, duplicating, modifying or distributing the products contained on the Company's website or application. Reverse engineer, decode, modify, alter or otherwise access any of the Company's systems, services or applications to gain unauthorized access to the Company's services or products. or use software or applications not provided by the Company to use the Services under this Agreement. or attempt to act or helping other persons to act in violation of the terms and conditions under this contract, unless otherwise agreed with the Company.

4.4 You acknowledge and understand that use of the services of that company It is your responsibility to provide self-service related electronic devices (e.g. computers, mobile phones, Internet signal, etc.), including responsible for all necessary expenses by yourself (such as telephone charges, Internet charges, etc.).

4.5 You understand and agree that While using the services of this company, it is necessary to consume resources from your terminal device and bandwidth. which may incur expenses which you agree to be responsible for such expenses

4.6 You understand and agree that You may not take the company's products for use or store them outside the channels provided by the company, such as bringing other accessories. Used to access the company's products. Unless authorized by the company.

4.7 If you violate any of the terms of use specified in clause 4. considered that you breach the contract and the company has the right to suspend or revoke the account Or suspend your use of the service immediately. However, the company has the right not to return encouragement. any fees or charges given to you in which, in the event of damage occurring You are obligated to indemnify the Company for damages from such breach of contract in full amount.

Article 5 Restrictions on Use

5.1 You certify that you will not perform or perform any of the following actions through the website and/or application of the Company.

(a) take any action that infringes the rights of others; Violating a contract or legal obligation that you have with another person Violates the law, public order or good morals, for example, distribute, transmit or disseminate content that contains content that is a threat to national security undermining the stability of society Content that is profane, defamatory, vulgar, pornographic, etc.

(b) infringe copyright or intellectual property rights; trade secret and the rights of the company, its representative, the owner of the copyright work or another person This includes, but is not limited to, the submission of files that infringe copyright or contain or involve copyright infringement. providing user account information or forward the service account to another person The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material. Dissemination of copyrighted material in public media

(c) misrepresent the truth deceive others

(d) distribute, forward, share advertising content and junk information;

(e) take any action to propagate virus-containing media; or computer code any other data files or programs designed to destroy Interfere with or limit the normal use of the Service or the Website and/or the Application or computer software or hardware.

(f) Any other acts that are contrary to the law.

5.2 If you violate the conditions of clause 5.1 until it is caused by any person or government agencies or any other relevant agencies to sue or claim for damages or ask the Company to cooperate in such actions You will be responsible for any damage caused and will occur to the Company. Including all damage caused to other persons.

5.3 You agree not to use the company's products and services. Including the reputation of the company to involve or use with political activities. Regardless of any reason, in the event that you violate such agreements causing damage to the company. The Company has the right to temporarily suspend the use of your account or revoke your account without prior notice. Including having the right to claim any damages arising from such violations

Article 6 Limitation of Liability of the Company

6.1 The Company reserves the right not to guarantee that The company's services will meet your needs. and will not be disturbed or free from any errors or defects. Including not guaranteeing that any content or information that obtained from the use of the Company's website and/or application is accurate, reliable, or the quality of the Company's publications or services will meet your expectations; You are solely responsible for using the Company's services. It is assumed that the use of the company's services is at your discretion. And you will be responsible for all damages that may occur as a result of your access to that service.

6.2 You agree and accept that The company's services are based on technology. conditions and environmental factors while serving The Company will use its utmost efforts to provide services to you. The company reserves the right not to be responsible for the damage. or defect arising from the following events:

(a) damage from computer viruses, trojan horses or other malicious programs and attacks, acts of hackers;

(b) Any action arising from the instability of the internet system, connection, equipment, or third parties beyond the control of the Company to gain unauthorized access to the system. Damage to data or programs Interfering with the operation of a computer system or network. Unauthorized access to a system or network and data theft

(c) your breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for example by allowing another user or other person to access your User Account;

(d) Other events that the Company cannot control or foresee in advance.

6.3 You understand and agree that Your use of the Services under this Agreement may include links to other websites or other resources. The Company has no control over those websites and resources. The Company therefore reserves the right not to be held liable for any damage or loss. arising from such websites and resources and not responsible or liability for content, advertisements, products and services. or any other content that appears on or through that website or source The Company is not responsible and has no obligation for information and communications with other websites. which are linked to the websites and/or applications of such companies Links to other websites are provided for your convenience only. You are responsible for understanding the rules and conditions of the websites you visit. Including various damage occurring on their own

6.4 The company reserves the right not to be responsible for damage. defect or any loss arising from force majeure, which cannot be predicted, prevented or avoided This includes but is not limited to natural disasters, fires, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, storms, wars, riots, political events, etc.

6.5 You agree and accept that The Company is not responsible and without any obligation. In case of suspension or termination of business service system or a contract between the company and the owner of the publication or other person Including the company is not responsible for damages caused by your inability to use or access the company's services. LOSS OF DATA OR EXPENSES FROM SUPPORTING OR PURCHASING COMPANY PRODUCTS. or for any operations on the website and/or application of the Company arising from such incidents

Article 7 Advertising

7.1 You agree that while receiving the service You agree to allow the Company to offer advertisements. public relations or disseminate information both business and non-business information This may be done by the Company itself or its agents or by third parties representing the Company. which changes the format Method and scope of the advertisement The company can proceed without notifying you in advance.

17.2 You agree and accept that It is your responsibility to determine the accuracy and reliability of the advertising information displayed on the website and/or the Company's applications by yourself. and is responsible for any actions of you according to that advertising information The company reserves the right not to be responsible for any damage. Arising from your actions in relation to advertisements or content posted by the advertiser.

Article 8 Personal Data Protection of Service Users

The Company prioritizes the privacy of its users. and will protect your privacy and personal information provided to the Company and the Company has appropriately collected it according to "Personal Information Protection Policy" of the Company, whereby the Company recommends that you carefully review and understand the said Personal Information Protection Policy. The Company may collect, use or disclose Personal Data in accordance with the scope of purposes set out under the Privacy Policy. This may include use for marketing, advertising or other service purposes. that may be of interest to you

Article 9 Intellectual Property

9.1 Any products under the service provided by the Company, such as letters, text, graphics, logos, sounds, images, videos, computer software, graphics tables, including any information. which can be accessed through the channels of The Demonstration School of Kasetsart University or https://elibrary.kusip.ac.th/ via the company's website and/or application. It is the intellectual property of the Company and/or the Company is legally permitted to use the right from the rightful person to allow the Company to use such content in providing services through the Company's website and/or application. And the company is protected under the intellectual property laws of Thailand and abroad.

9.2 You agree and accept that in purchasing or downloading any products and/or content through the Company's website services and/or applications; You do not acquire any ownership rights or other intellectual property rights in the products and/or content thereof.

9.3 You agree to comply with intellectual property laws and other laws. Related including various regulations that appear on the website and/or the company's application and will not modify, modify, reproduce, copy, transmit, reverse engineer, reproduce, display, engage in distribution, distribution or commercial exploitation in any way. which any products and/or content appearing on the website and/or application of the Company either in whole or in part Unless expressly permitted by the Company or its legal rights holders in such products and/or content. or as an exception by law

If the Company finds that there is a violation of the law within the Company's website and/or application The company has the right to consider various measures and deal with you. your account and violation immediately as the Company deems appropriate in order to deter damage.

9.4 If any service user violates or fails to comply with any of clause 12, The company has the right to terminate the service and terminate the contract with that user. And the company reserves the right not to return any fees or service charges. which the said service user has already paid In addition, the Company has the right to demand such service users to pay compensation to the Company. The company has the right to take legal action against that service user according to the law.

Article 10 Termination of the contract

10.1 The Company reserves the right to suspend, cancel or delete your account. including access to any services of you without prior notice If the Company finds that the following events occur

(a) your infringement or any other act that is contrary to the terms and conditions of this contract

(b) You provide false personal information to the Company in order to register for membership and/or to use the Company's services.

(c) The company has a reason to terminate the service according to the court's order. or a competent government agency or as announced by law or there is any other necessary cause to prevent the damage that will occur to the Company.

(d) The Company is forced to discontinue the provision of services due to safety or other necessary situations.

10.2 In the event that the contract is terminated for reasons specified in clause 10.1 (a) and/or 10.1 (b) above, the company reserves the right to provide services to you in all cases. Arising from the cause of the termination of the contract You will be responsible for paying for all damages incurred in full. including any damages or expenses happened to the company as well. If compensation for damages does not cover all damages that occur to the company. The Company has the right to take further legal action to claim you to pay damages plus interest.

Article 11 Change of Contract Conditions

11.1 In case of necessity The company has the right to amend the terms of this contract. which you can check the amendment of the latest contract on the company website

11.2 After the amendments to the terms of this contract have been made. If you continue to receive the services of the company You are deemed to have accepted such amended terms and conditions. But if you do not accept or do not agree with the amendment of such conditions, you can stop using the company's services immediately.

Article 12 Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

12.1 This contract is made in Muang District, Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand.

12.2 The interpretation and enforcement of this contract shall be in accordance with the laws of Thailand and all disputes. arising out of or in connection with this contract to be subject to the jurisdiction of a court of competent jurisdiction

12.3 In the event that any term or condition of this contract is unenforceable or void. for any reason It shall be deemed that other conditions and contract terms in this contract is still in full force and effect

Article 13 Contact channels

If you have any comments or suggestions About the company's services, you can contact via the company's website, e-mail satitkasetip@ku.ac.th. The company is ready to take care of you with pleasure and willing service.

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