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Win at chess with practical instruction from one of the world's leading teachers! With clever tactics and strategies for more than 5000 situations and clear diagrams, Chess is for the enthusiastic novice as well as the competitor taking the game to the next level. Chess takes you through more than 5,000 unique instructional situations, many taken from actual matches, including 306 problems for checkmate in one move, 3,412 mates in two moves, 744 mates in three moves, 144 simple endgames, and 128 tournament game combinations. Organized by problem type, each combination, or game is keyed to an easy-to-follow solution at the back of the book.. More than 6,000 illustrations make it easy to see the possibilities regardless of where your pieces are on the board. The book also includes the basic rules of the game and an international bibliography. Chess is the ultimate book on winning the game.

Published Date : 06/2024
Publisher : Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
Category : 700 Arts & Recreation
Page : 1104 Pages
245 - Title statement
020 - International standard book number
100 - Main entry--personal name
260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)
300 - Physical description

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