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021097 539 CHR

Engage your students in seeing, touching, tasting, and smelling this "udderly wonderful" collection of stimulating activities! Designed to promote language acquisition through the exploration of the primary senses, this activity and teacher resource book guarantees that experiences in the language classroom can be taken to entirely new, refreshing, and more enjoyable heights! The fifty-six unique activities are presented in four creative units: 1. Purple Cows focuses on the sense of sight, offering dynamic ways to use advertisements, mysterious pictures, cartoons, and more! 2. Wet Leaves examines touch and movement. Involve your class in a challenging game of charades, learn the art of origami, and even lead an aerobic workout! 3. Thunderstorms deals with the sense of hearing. Discover the art of listening through ideas such as using music and sound effects! 4. Potato Chips will introduce your students to the real taste of language learning through exciting "edible" exercises. The activities may be used in any order and are destined to be a favorite of grades five through adult, as well as university students! Detailed notes to the teacher and photocopiable illustrated student exercise sheets ensure easy success for any teacher seeking to create "udderly" creative and fun classroom lessons!

Published Date : 04/2024
Publisher : Alta Book Center Publishers
Category : 500 Science & Mathematics
Page : 104 Pages
245 - Title statement
020 - International standard book number
100 - Main entry--personal name
260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)
300 - Physical description

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