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Millions of people are watching-- one wants to kill her... What she found was her worst nightmare... She thought she'd found safety. In front of the camera, as anchorwoman for KEY Evening Headlines, she savvy, sexy, and sophisticated. But when she steps out of the spotlight, Eliza Blake is far more vulnerable than her devoted viewers would ever imagine. Single-handedly raising a young daughter, she's finally found a safe haven: a dream house in the suburbs, where nothing can ever threaten her again... It begins with a venomous letter. No stranger to the occasional hate mail that mingles with glowing correspondence from adoring fans, Eliza is at first unaware that this time, the writer isn't a harmless nutcase. Then come the menacing phone calls. Now that her serene suburban life is shattered by fear, Eliza must face the chilling realization that the stalker is closer, and more lethal, than anyone ever suspected-- perhaps even concealed behind a trusted, familiar face...

Published Date : 05/2022
Publisher : St.Martin's Paperback
Category : Short Stories
Page : 366 p Pages
245 - Title statement
020 - International standard book number
100 - Main entry--personal name
260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)
300 - Physical description

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