
Barcode Call Number Status Action
037623 526.9 HOW

The Book of Exploration elegantly presents more than 150 of the most influential and unusual journeys of discovery, setting each firmly in its historical context. Chronicling the personalities and motivations, the conditions that had to be endured, and the contribution these explorations have made to our knowledge of the world, it is replete with extraordinary personalities: the heroic adventurers who set out into the unknown, battling against the elements to commit their findings to journals and maps; the pioneers who risked everything in search of fabled riches; and the explorers who set out to conquer the deserts, poles, and oceans of the globe.

Published Date : 02/2022
Publisher : Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Category : 500 Science & Mathematics
Page : 359 Pages
245 - Title statement
020 - International standard book number
100 - Main entry--personal name
260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)
300 - Physical description
650 - Subject added entry--topical term

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