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020678 743 WOO

This engaging book will have beginning artists sketching with accuracy and confidence in just six easy steps. Focusing on a dynamic range of buildings and architecture, special exercises introduce the key elements of composition to readers as they sharpen their drawing skills. Twenty drawing exercises gradually lead artists from simple sketches to more complex drawings. Within each exercise, the fundamentals of drawing are clearly illustrated in step-by-step fashion for artists to practice and employ in their own work. This guide also introduces artists to a variety of popular mediums, from charcoal and pastel to pen and ink and watercolor. The use of each medium is demonstrated in basic steps beginners can master easily

Published Date : 02/2022
Publisher : North Light Books
Category : 700 Arts & Recreation
Page : 112 Pages
245 - Title statement
020 - International standard book number
100 - Main entry--personal name
260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)
300 - Physical description
650 - Subject added entry--topical term
490 - Series Statement

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