
Barcode Call Number Status Action
005356 523.4 FRA C.1
032955 523.4 FRA C.2

VOYAGES TO THE PLANETS provides students and professors with the ideal combination of authors and experience. It is written by an award-winning astronomy educator (Fraknoi) and two distinguished research scientists (Morrison at NASA and Wolff at NOAO). This author team combines the latest science with classroom-tested teaching strategies and a student-friendly approach. Through unique group activities and a focus on astronomy as a human endeavor, the authors engage and involve students, helping them both understand and enjoy astronomy.

Published Date : 02/2022
Publisher : Harcourt College Publishers
Category : 500 Science & Mathematics
Page : 337 Pages
245 - Title statement
020 - International standard book number
100 - Main entry--personal name
260 - Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)
300 - Physical description
650 - Subject added entry--topical term

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