
December 06, 20221,033 459

Phase 1 ... Pre-workout period

             During exercise, you should eat enough food to accumulate a reserve energy source for use while exercising the essential nutrients are carbohydrates, which are a fast energy source.  And accumulate as a reserve energy source in the form of glycogen found in foods such as rice, flour, fruit, and sugar by eating before exercise so it also divided into 2 periods as follows

3 hours before exercise

Select foods with high carbohydrates to accumulate as an energy source It has a moderate amount of protein and low fat because fat is a nutrient that the body needs to use for energy to digest food. If you eat too much the body will have less energy to do activities. Resulting in decreased exercise performance

- Foods that should be eaten : focus on carbohydrate foods like rice, bread, couscous, or fruit like bananas , apples, along with a moderate amount of other foods such as low-fat meats and low-fat cooking, such as boiled chicken breasts and fish, steamed tuna.        

- Foods that should be avoided: spicy foods because it can cause diarrhea such as papaya salad and all kinds of vegetables because they are high in dietary fiber, making them difficult to digest.         

30 minutes before exercise

         Is near the time to exercise so fast-absorbing carbohydrate foods is the best choice, such as liquid foods, should be eaten to allow the body to use sufficient energy for exercise. 

- Foods that should be eaten: high-energy drinks, fruit juices or sweetened beverages or toast with jam.       

- Foods that should be avoided: all types of milk because they contain protein that it slow down carbohydrate absorption       

             In addition, before exercise it’s important to drink enough water. Because during exercise the body will lose water through sweat. If the body loses too much water can affect sports performance therefore, 2 hours before exercise, drink 500-600 ml of water.

Phase 2 ... Interval during exercise

             Even during exercise proper dietary supplementation is also important. When exercising continuously for more than 1 hour, the amount of glycogen or the reserve energy source in the body will be reduced. It is therefore necessary to supplement energy with a fast-absorbing carbohydrate diet and should get the right amount of water and mineral salt, enough supplemented to compensate for the loss of body while exercising the right amount of drinking water is 1⁄2 bottle (500-600 ml) every 10-15 minutes.

- Foods that should be eaten: sports drinks or energy gels that contain energy from rapidly absorbed sugars such as glucose, which should contain 6-8% carbohydrates in a volume of 180-360 ml every 10-15 minutes, which will compensate for both energy. , Wasted water and minerals       

- Foods to avoid: solid foods and dairy.       

Phase 3 ... After exercise

             After exercise is a recovery period should choose a good quality protein provides amino acids, amino completely unnecessary, particularly amino acids, and amino lew scene to help strengthen the muscles better; they are found in meats, eggs, milk, and carbohydrate foods are also important for the recovery period to make up for the glycogen used during exercise And continue to store it as a backup power. you should also weigh yourself after exercise compensate for the volume of water lost with sweat for every 1 kg weight loss, compensate with 1.5 liters of water to avoid dehydration. The post-exercise diet is also divided into 2 periods as follows

Within the first 30 minutes after exercising

             It is the time when the body responds best to nutrients that enter the body. Should eat carbohydrate and protein foods. To compensate for spending while exercising and helping to recover the body

- Foods that should be eaten: milk, skimmed , sandwiches , tuna / chicken breast , pork buns for a camera , Steamed pork or drink extra energy.   

- Foods to avoid: foods with high fat, fried foods, to help the body absorb carbohydrates. And protein       

2 hours after exercise

             Even after taking a 2-hour break from exercise, it is still recovering. Should focus on foods that contain carbohydrates and protein. Can be eaten as a main meal. By choosing to eat rice, flour and meat foods, including fruits, the characteristics of the food are similar to the food before exercise 3 hours, only increasing the protein content 

- The diet should include eating a sandwich, tuna / chicken and rice dish such as steamed pork haywire sauce or noodles.       

However, athletes should try the diet according to the above guidelines before the actual competition. To determine whether the amount of food eaten is enough for exercise or not. Choosing the right foods in terms of essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, water and eating times will help to affect the performance of athletes even better

Reference: Units of Nutrition Therapy Hospital 2.

Pics :https://sirc.ca/blog/key-nutritional-needs-for-athletes/

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